Steps to take to protect your business from Covid-19
As we find ourselves in the final days of 2020, we find ourselves maintaining the fragile balance of trying to keep our businesses open to the public while also protecting our teams and clients. Reported cases of Covid-19 continue to climb in our community. If you’ve had a confirmed case of COVID-19 in your business, we strongly recommend contacting Bio-One of Tucson for COVID-19 disinfection services. However, you may also need some guidance on what to do if one of your employees advises that they have received a positive test for Coronavirus.
Disinfecting Your Business From COVID-19
- According to the CDC once an employee reports a positive case of Covid-19, or reports close contact with someone who has tested positive of Covid-19, they should self-quarantine at home for 10-20 days. The employee should be urged to contact a health care provider even if they do not show signs or symptoms as he or she can still transmit the disease to others.
- The CDC has noted that Covid-19 exposure is transmitted through close contact. Close contact as defined by the CDC for these purposes is anyone who is within six feet of an infected individual for longer than 15 minutes. This includes the 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms in the infected individual.
Under the OSHA General Duty requirements an employer will want to notify other employees that may have been exposed to the confirmed Covid-19 employee as soon as possible to reduce further risk of exposure. However, it is imperative that the employer does not release the name of the exposed employee to prevent potential privacy concerns.
- Vacate and clean the workspaces and common areas that were contaminated. Many businesses have opted to have a certified company such as Bio-One of Tucson disinfect their places of business as they have tools, such as the electrostatic sprayer, that allow the technician to completely disinfect the contaminated square footage quickly. This allows decontamination measures to be taken swiftly and minimizes the risk of infection to employees and clients, while also insulating the risk to loss of revenue for the business owner.
If you believe that your business or home has been exposed to an active COVID-19 infected person we urge you to take the precautionary measures needed to mitigate the impact to the health and well-being of everyone involved. If you would like additional information on if a Covid-19 treatment is the right fit for your business, please contact Bio-One of Tucson at 520-771-5960 for additional information. Contact us today!