Bio-One of Tucson backs the Blue, including our four legged officers. This past week on late Thursday August Third our four legged K9 officer Tango was shot in a during a pursuit involving a teen suspect that local authorities noted was wanted on several felony charges. Although injured in the line of duty "Tango" was still able to apprehend his suspect.

Bio-One of Tucson is a major supportive of all of our local Police and Fire Departments. Many of our Biohazard technicians are retired of active duty military or police/fire professionals. We encourage our Tucson Community to show support for the recovery of Tango and his medical needs. The cost of Tango's recovery needs are over $4,000.00. Right now, there has been over $1,600.00 raised to help support these costs, but more is needed. Join Bio-One of Tucson in raising additional funds for Tangos needs here.
We are sensitive during these economic times that financial support of a cause as even as worthy as this may be difficult for some. However, there are additional ways you can help. Volunteer some time at the local animal shelter! The Humane Society of Southern Arizona is always needing volunteers! Connect here for additional information on how you can contribute. You can also donate extra dog food or supplies in tribute of "Tango" to the local animal shelter in your show of support. Our own fur baby "Daisy" is such an intricate part of our lives and business that we know the importance of taking care of not only our K9 officers, but all the animals that are part of our Tucson Community.